Branded Motel Near Airport, Dallas, Texas
$12 M / Revenue:$2.6MilRevenue: 2024: Actual (through October): $1.934 million Projected (Year-End): $2.6 million 2023: $2.6 million Property Details: Interior Corridor 89 Rooms No Property Improvement Plan (PIP) Required Fully Renovated Asking Price: $12 million
Liquor Store Near Dallas, TX
$289 K / Average Monthly Sales: $70,000Liquor Store Information: Average Monthly Sales: $70,000 Rent + Triple Net Expenses: $5,000 per month Asking Price: $289,000 (excluding inventory) Inventory Value: $200,000+ Opportunities to Increase Sales: Add check cashing services Install an ATM Introduce smoke productsDisclaimer: The property image do not depict the actual property
Land for Gas Station 100min from Fort Worth
$720 K / Inside Sales: $168,000(IMST projections): Inside Sales Projection: $168,000 Gas Sales Projection: $67,000 Land Size: 1 acre Asking Price: $720,000 Contact Information: For more details, contact Tamanna (Broker Associate) at 469-618-0530Disclaimer: The property image do not depict the actual property
Gas Station Near Lake Worth- Lots of Potential For Additional Income
$1,700,000 / Inside Sales: $60,000Inside Sales: $60,000 Gas Sales: 20,000 gallons Asking Price: $1.7 million + Inventory For more details, reach agent at 469-618-0530 Disclaimer: The property image do not depict the actual property
Gas Station Near Grandbury
$2,250,000 / Inside Sales: $97,000Inside Sales: $97,000 Gas Sales: 27,000 gallons Lotto Sales: $3,000 Rental Income: $2,500 Asking Price: $2.25 million + InventoryDisclaimer: The property image do not depict the actual property